
When Excitement Turns To Fear, Part 1

When Excitement Turns To Fear, Part 1

Have your plans for the new year turned on you yet? It’s March. Your good intentions for the year may have faded away by now. Is that critical voice in your head yelling at you? Or have you avoided making resolutions for years now because you tell yourself you always...

Singing in the Shower

Singing in the Shower

I’m singing in the shower this morning... but not because I’m happy. I’m singing because there’s a lot of crap going on in the world. COVID-19 pandemic and the slow vaccine roll-out. violence in Washington DC and uncertainty for our country‘s future. So I’m singing in...

Are You Hurting But Avoiding Therapy?

Are You Hurting But Avoiding Therapy?

Are you avoiding therapy because you don’t want to talk about the past?  I’ve heard people say it before. They don’t want to start over with a new therapist because they don’t want to have to start at the beginning and spend all that time on the past. They just want...

Free Your Voice

Free Your Voice

I have client who has trouble speaking. Sometimes, she says, she doesn’t feel like she’s allowed to talk about certain things. She did not chatter away, as a teenager, processing every conversation, event, thought and endless feelings like I remember doing. I asked...

Help For Election Overwhelm

Help For Election Overwhelm

So, the election is over but the results are slow to settle. If you were thinking life would be easier soon, you may very frustrated right now! Add the pandemic undertow, a new set of restrictions looming, holidays on the horizon, social isolation and you have a...

When Alcohol Is NOT Stress Reliever

When Alcohol Is NOT Stress Reliever

I woke up with a headache again this morning. Red wine. And not very much of it either.  I feel angry and frustrated. I tell myself, I’m never drinking again. I feel silly that I can’t just have an evening drinking a moderate amount of alcohol.  Well, truthfully, I...

Stop Your Buzzing Brain In One Minute

Stop Your Buzzing Brain In One Minute

What do you do when your anxiety is rising but you just don’t have time to meditate for 30 minutes or take a yoga class? Are you busy in spite of your best intentions? Me too! Until the day when our lives are simple and perfect, we’ve got to weave in little breaks....

The Best Thing About Therapy

The Best Thing About Therapy

Has anyone told you to go therapy? In some circles that is a rude comment, but let me tell you why it might be a good idea. Here are just some of the ways I’ve seen profession counseling help someone like you and me.  Yes, therapists do go to therapy from time to...

How To Overcome Anxiety During The Pandemic

How To Overcome Anxiety During The Pandemic

My oldest daughter called me today and said “Mom, the world is going to hell in a hand basket!” Do we still use that expression? We do now. Even 30 year olds. She lives in New York. Not in the city, luckily, but in a nice safe rural county. She was bored there last...

Call or text Lisa now at 303.225.9076

1468 S Pearl St, Denver, CO 80210

1468 S Pearl St, Denver, CO 80210